Monday, August 20, 2012

recent updates to the blog.

My blog is constantly under construction. The more blogs I read, the more ideas I get, and the more I know for what I want my blog to look like. I don't foresee a major overhaul anytime soon, but small changes are always coming!

Recently I added social media buttons linking to twitter, email, pinterest and my rss feed to the sidebar:

tweet tweet!say hello!pinteresting!follow me!

I also added a new image for related posts that don't have their own images, and updated the favicon as well.

I really did add a lot of circles, just to keep everything consistent. One more small change that you may or may not notice is that I removed the borders and shadows around the images.. huzzah! Those always bothered me, but I could never figure out how to get rid of them (there are always so many small pesky things already embedded into layout templates!).

I have learned that the best way to figure out how to make changes is to google them! You just have to know what you are searching for. For example, "remove image border blogger" or "related posts blogger", both of which I have used on my blog. I love customizing my blog!


  1. your blog is lookin' good! i love the simplicity of it all. i guess that is what you're going for given your blog name.... lol
